About Ray

Monument Valley, Utah

Industry veteran with 10+ years in full stack web-based development. Started coding C++ and static HTML pages back in the late 2000s. From there, I transitioned to a full stack software engineer. Fully conversant in all portions of the traditional LAMP stack and comfortable crafting traditional SQL, PHP, JavaScript, and HTML.

I'm a firm believer in the value of understanding business requirements up-front, and crafting a proper solution that is "good-enough" to manage the spec at hand. The most effective way of managing constant change is to rapidly prototype and get as much end-user feedback earlier in the development cycle to avoid any disconnect between the requirements and the engineered implementation.

This has allowed teams that I've worked with in the past to actually pare back features that are superfluous and focus on the important elements.


  • Javascript + jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap.js
  • Foundation.js
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • MVC Frameworks
  • Apache configuration
  • Linux/BSD


Besides banging the keyboard and solving problems, I also enjoy traveling around the world

Paris, France

Kyoto, Japan

Killing zombies ...

Killing zombie

... or just hang out with buddies ...

hang out with friends

Contact Ray

Software obeys the law of gaseous expansion – it continues to grow until memory is completely filled.

-Larry Gleason

Contact Me